



The largest religious building ever built is Angkor Wat, located in Cambodia, covering an area of 1,626,000 square meters. It was built by Khmer King Suyavaman II during 1113-50 for the Hindu god Vishnu. Its curtain wall is 1280 meters long. The temple is part of a 24.8-kilometer long complex of 72 major monuments that began construction in AD 900.


Angkor Wat is Cambodia's Hindu temple of Vishnu, also known as Angkor Wat, built in the early 12th century. The temple is entirely built with overlapping sandstone. The temple is surrounded by 3-storey corridors that increase sequentially. The four corners of each corridor are equipped with high towers, with the central tower (65 meters above the ground) as the apex, forming a group of towers with decreasing heights, showing a balanced beauty. The decorative reliefs of Angkor Wat are colorful. Reliefs are carved on the inner wall of the cloister and on the columns, stone walls, cornerstones, window lintels, and railings, and the themes are taken from Hindu mythology and the history of the Khmer Dynasty.

  • Date: 2022-05-06
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 暹粒,柬埔寨
  • Record Holder: 柬埔寨
  • Numbering: 191102A-KH

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